The title really says it all but it's kinda a lie...
I have been blogging...
...micro blogging!
My account at Twitter has been my online home when it's come to blogging and social media networking. I find it incredibly useful and enjoyable. If you have an Twitter account feel free to follow me. Not only have I found countless resources on art, design and the like...but made quite a few friends along the way! Whatever you're into you're bound to find people with like-minded interests. Once you're on Twitter to find others of similar interest try Just Tweet It and to find a Twitter app to use on just about any device look at Twitdom: the Twitter applications database or Twitter Apps.
I follow quite a few artists, designers and developers who actively tweet and even lend a hand when I happen to call out for help. The support network is huge and I am so grateful for their on-going support! I am also incredibly thankful to the creators of Twitter because the connections I've made and the resources I've found have accelerated my learning in web design and graphic design dramatically.
I just installed Twittix for my Nokia 6220 Classic phone which will make tweeting on my phone much more easier and enjoyable. I've given it a test run and it's a beautiful and brilliant little app!
Twitter has become another site to join the multitude of sites blocked at work, which is why I need to tweet from my phone during business hours. It joins the list of sites such as YouTube, Facebook, MySpace but even file sharing sites such as Dropbox! Limited access to these file sharing sites are sometimes problematic.
Twitter is one of the best social media/networking communities out there right now and blitz' all other communities in terms of SPEED! :) I'm living life online in the fast lane right now thanks to Twitter! Are you?