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Movie reviews

It's been quite some time since my last blog post. In this time I have been quite busy and with one point I was working three jobs. But now it's back to two casual jobs so I have a bit more time on my hands.
Well in the last two weeks I have watched two incredible movies which were not the sort that I would normally buy tickets to. I actually won passes to watch both movies and I'm so glad I did!

The first movie I saw was a documentary called Inside Deep Throat on the hugely contraversial movie of the 1970s, Deep Throat. I pretty much knew what it was going to be about however I haven't watched the original 1970s movie. In this documentary there were interviews that were held with the original actors, director, media and famous adult film workers. They gave accounts of how the film had influenced them personally and what it was like at the time of it's release.
I found it quite fascinating that a movie of this nature would be shown at that time and how it created one of the biggest political uproars in the US. It came to a point where the government conducted a scientific study in order to try and prove that porn was bad for one's health! And of course it didn't have that affect on people whatsoever.
I found this documentary's personal accounts and stories compelling and moving. For those of you who know of the original this film will give you more insight into the stars, makers and political issues of the time and the unforseen legacy that it created.

The second movie I saw was Rize- an explosive dance movie that started on the streets of South Central, Los Angeles. This film is a documentary on the beginnings of a visually stunning, athletic and awe-inspiring dance craze which was started by Tommy Johnson in response to the 1992 Rodney King riots and he named it "Clowning". It was then developed into has developed it's branched off to what is now refered to as Krumping. This dance craze offers an alternative to gangs and hustling.
The dancers paint their faces and entertain at parties/functions and it is unlike anything I have ever seen before. It's nothing like hip-hop dancing or fashion bling-bling. This is raw, exciting and very inspiring!


Anonymous said…
Free tickets, you lucky thing...

Those two films were reviewed quite positively in the ABC's At the Movies which made me really want to see them both. That clowning in Rize looks really cool and it's good to see true hip hop culture being shown on film - that is, having a good time and building positive creative energy even in adversity, rather than just superficiality, sexism and violence.

Inside Deep Throat looked interesting too, though the idea of watching a porn scene in a cinema with lots of other people watching along "intellectually" seems a tad awkward to me. How was the vibe? Were you comfortable watching the X-rated scene? I know I thought the idea of my little sister going to see it was a little weird... *chuckle*

Glad you enjoed them though, I'll take that as another positive review for each of those films. Yay!
Eleonor said…
Thanks for your post Hank! Yes the thought of me going to see an X-rated movie is a bit weird aye?! I didn't know how I'd initially react to watching this X-rated film but generally the movie vibe in the audience was excellent. Parts of the documentary were quite hilarious especially the distastful fashion sense, and personalities of the adult film actors! When it came to that x-rated scene it was spliced with shots of a rocket taking off to space and the entire audience was having a good laugh. I guess it seems quite hilarious with films like Austin Powers using this technique in comedy films. It's hard to watch something like that without having a giggle when it's now used these days more for the comic relief rather than for the excitement.

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