In the last 14 days...I have felt more alive and happier than I have in the last year...or forever for that matter! I look back at my last post and reflect on the last point '10. Be happier' and I've found it... I found it in Daniel; my fiancé. Daniel made me the happiest woman of ALL TIME when he proposed to me last Thursday the 7th of January at Sydney Tower's 360 Bar and Dining . It was simply perfect... Since then I've experienced and shared incredible waves of emotions with family and friends; for the most part they've been tsunamis of happiness! I've been up...very high up! Up in the clouds...and then I've been down...but still up in the clouds at approx. 30 000 feet high (lame joke...I know). Right now I'm feeling life at it's fullest and it feels amazing! I've managed to control it a bit now which is good! I was starting to look and feel like Mary Poppins! I broke the great news to family and friends over the first 3 days since the...
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